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This profile envisages the establishment of an Industry for Blacksmith. Blacksmithing is a process of creating objects from iron or steel by forging the metal; i.e., by using tools to hammer, bend, and cut. Blacksmiths produce things like wrought iron gates, grills, railings, light fixtures, furniture, sculpture, tools, agricultural implements, decorative and religious items, cooking utensils, horseshoes and weapons.

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This business idea is for manufacturing and marketing of Aluminium shots and notch bars. These have wide use in steel plants as Deoxidizers. The steel is either partially or fully deoxiized depending on the melting condition. The Deoxidizers are normally used in steel making or ferrosilicon, an alloy of iron and silicon. Although Aluminium is added to steel mainly for the deoxidizing purpose, it is also used for fixing nitrogen. This business idea is premised on production of 1,000 tones of aluminium per month which translates into 12,000 tones of aluminium per annum. The revenue potential is

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This profile envisages the setting up of a plant that manufactures Teflon products. For this case, this profile will look at Teflon frying pans. Teflon is a tough, waxy, nonflammable organic compound with a slippery surface, attacked by very few chemicals and stable over a wide temperature range. Its qualities make it useful in gaskets, bearings, container and pipe linings, electrical insulation, parts for valves and pumps used for corrosive fluids and protective nonstick coatings on cooking utensils, saw blades and other articles.

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This is a business idea premised on setting up a metal workshop to fabricate different items for stocking for any buyer to pick at will and also to fabricate on order. The establishment of a modern workshop would require an estimated fixed capital of US$ 7,430 and operating costs of US$ 130,396 generating revenue of US$ 223 in the first year of operation. The workshop would be able to fabricate a variety of items as demand dictates and among others doors, windows, beds, chairs, and gates would be produced and stocked.

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This business idea is for production of bolts and nuts. A bolt is a cylindrical piece of metal that fastens objects together. A nut is a hexagonal or square piece with a threaded hole at the centre. Nuts and bolts have a high market demand in the industrial sector.The business idea aims at production of 2,600 kilograms of bolts and nuts per month. The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 800 per year with a sales margin of 10%. The total capital investment for the project is US$ 19,113.

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This business is about making jewelry such as rings, brooches, chains, and bracelets by cutting, shaping and polishing the material for producing fashion jewels. Jewelry is used by women mostly though of late men have started using it. This business idea aims at production of 200 pieces of jewelry per day thus 62,400 pieces annually. The revenue potential is estimated at US $ 600 annually.